Monday, September 23, 2013

The 30’s Dilemmas: You No Longer Have Plenty of Time

Remember, when you were in your 20’s and you were just living life to live? If you didn't have kids, the response was you have plenty of time. If you were career hopping, or uncertain of what you wanted to be when you “grew up”, you were told take your time. You will have your entire life to focus on your career.

Well not everyone had that advice, but I am sure many can relate.  Almost overnight you hit 30, and it is no longer acceptable to party Thursday- Sunday.

It’s kind of crazy, that in my 20’s I thought I had it all figured out. I wasn't actually doing anything to get there; I just figured it would all come together. I am certain I am not the only one with the same dilemma. I am no longer being told you have plenty of time.  I get the famous, “No kids, you better hurry up you aren't getting any younger.” I get the side eye when I say I am still entry level in my career. After all 3 degrees, and what should have been extensive experience and career development, I should be further ahead than that RIGHT?

I don’t say all this to self deprecate, and get a bunch of empty reassurance, but I say this to put out there's a 30’s trap we fall into and a way we got there. Sometimes just acknowledging you went the wrong direction can put you back on the right path. So what trap did you fall into?

This is that moment in your life where you achieve spiritual clarity. Often times in the infancy stage we get a little delusional about how “blessings” really work. At least I know I did We put no real effort into planning our own lives; we are spiritually responsible with some false sense of religious loyalty and then subscribe to the fact that God is going to bless us with something we didn't actually work for.

Don’t you just love those people who are sitting back effortless waiting for God to deliver the miracle to their doorstep? When things go terribly wrong, then they defend their lack of progress with this is a test from God, or its coming, or the all famous the devil really trying to block blessings. Great way to take NO responsibility for what we contribute to our own successes and failures. 

When you move from this space you are devastated, because suddenly you realize I am responsible for my success. There is no imaginary source out there working to destroy you as you Facebook, instead of looking for a career. The devil isn’t trying to block you from a husband, but it’s a small possibility that the guy at the bar too drunk to remember your name is a good candidate.

I lived here for a while. This is when you actually convince yourself, you ARE doing everything you can to be successful. Then try to convince yourself, that since you are doing better than others ALSO doing badly, that you are actually in a good place. This is when you hear yourself saying things like, “It could be worse, I know others with less than me.” 

Well there will ALWAYS be people with less, but that’s no reason to not strive for more. Or to be honest with yourself and say “Hey I need to change my thinking if I want to be successful” I don’t know one single successful person, who got there by focusing on being complacent or continually making excuses.

Don’t you love this type! The one who says I am 30, but I had a bad life, or the man ....who is this man held me down. The famous of late, the economy is just so bad. I've even heard God told me this is where I need to be. Successes still happens in a bad economy, not all successful people were born with a silver spoon, matter fact, many had bad lives and that was their drive to be successful so they didn't have to continue to live with less.

The excuse maker will never take responsibility for their own decisions. It will always be some reason or someone who is responsible for their lack of success.

This is the one I struggle with the most. Although I have been guilty of each one of these. The guilty one convinces themselves, they actually DON’T want or deserve more. They feel guilty saying I want to be rich, I want to be married, I want to have nice things, and I want a big home. Go back to the religious one, the desire for things makes them feel like they love God less.

They will actually try to convince themselves that they are horrendous for even speaking such desires out loud, so they overcompensate by reassuring people they are NOT materialistic. This is a horrible existence, because it is a constant internal battle, and you actually sabotage yourself, so that way the things you want are not even possible.

So which, one are you? I find at 36 people expect me to take my life goals more seriously. People judge you, by what you have NOT accomplished. It speaks to your drive. I also believe people are also able to better separate the talkers from the doers.

 I was told the amount of money you have in your savings account at 40 is very reflective of what you will have when you retire. If you don’t have a plan in place for retirement, investment and your overall future in your 30’s you more than likely WON’T ever have one.

What I am learning is you can’t just stop at the degree; you have to execute a life plan. It’s never too late, but as you get older the journey gets harder. In the end your success is UP TO YOU.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The American Dream

I remember being young with dreams. I also remember being told, stop all that dreaming, pick a real career, and have a back-up plan. As time passed, my dreams faded and my back up plan became my only plan. Do I think I was told wrong, NO.   I believe that society subscribed to the American Dream of work hard, go to school, get a job, get married , have a few kids, and maybe a dog and that will equal a good life.

As a person who also subscribed to this belief, I did just that. I went to school 3x’s over. Got multiple degrees, looked for the perfect job—you know the one with the perfect perks, and perfect pay still looking. Found a guy, got married, and became a step-mom, without the dog…. allergies wouldn't allow it.  

We got what society would be considered “good pay” and we lived what society would call a good life.

All the dreams of actress, writer, newscaster, talk show host, suddenly became ridiculously silly to me.  I found myself saying what were you thinking; you know a future like that isn't meant for you. Even though I wasn't sure why I didn't feel I deserved it.

Well, one day I looked at my bucket list over 30 wishes and wants, before I leave this place, and realized while some of these things I could accomplish, some of them I would never afford to be able to do. Now when I say afford, we automatically think I mean…. I will never have the money. Well not quite. Yes some things would be expensive, but time also came into play.

Right now, my husband and I work almost 24 hours a day between the both of us. With him on the night shift, me on the day shift we hardly see each other. I leave the house at 7am and return around 8pm, so even something as simple as gardening, I just don't have the time to do.

So what does that say when you work to enjoy life, but you have no time to enjoy those things OR, after you have paid all the bills you have little left?

Well religion will tell you, be blessed for what you have.Well you should always be thankful, but does that mean complacency is acceptable?

Workaholics will tell you, work harder. Well wouldn't that still leave you with less time?

Optimists will tell you, things will change just keep a positive attitude. Well, things only change, if you change them right?

All those suggestions probably leave the average American frustrated. The dream slowly becomes your living nightmare, your daily reality. A constant cross-road of, where do I go from here?

I really wish this blog had the solution for you, but honestly it comes down to choices.
Go back to the drawing board, start over and take chances. Make the best of your circumstances, get rid of the bucket list, it will only serve to depress you. OR….find a career that allows you to meet your family’s needs as well as give you more time to enjoy this one little life we get.  The last one is easier said than done, but probably the best decision to make.

What is your choice?  I am still on my cross-road. Commuting, 3 hours, working 8 and sometimes more literally leaves me with enough time to sleep. It’s not the best life, it’s not the worst. It’s the life I have today. I think it is these moments in our life, where we make the toughest, realist, most effective decisions. As I said you only get to do this thing called life ONCE….. so how will you live?

The American Dream , I have learned is just about as real as the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny. My biggest regret is not, chasing my dreams, not taking chances, and playing it safe. Now left, with a ridiculous amount of student loan debt, 40 hour work weeks, and sleep being defined as what I like to do in my free time I find myself ready to take a different leap….stay tuned.


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