Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Doing IT the Right Way Wrong.

For as long as I can remember, I was always told... go to school, get a degree and you will get a job. It seemed like a fail proof formula. Do it the right way and you will get the right results. So of course I took that journey. Along this journey I discovered a few things.
(1)There is no "fail proof" way to get on the success train.
(2) Life owes you nothing
(3) Nothing in life happens TO you

I hold multiple degrees and I have found it hard to find employment that is commensurate with the sweat equity put into getting those degrees. So can you expect another blog detailing how hard it is out here for the educated, multiple degree holders -- NOT TODAY -- today is about self accountability.

I recently started asking myself questions. Have you done everything you can to see the success you want to see? Did you make smart business decisions, or emotionally driven ones. Did I ask for promotions / raises when I felt I deserved them, and had the tangible results to support the request? Did I maximize all my opportunities?

It is often easy to complain about our lack of success and what holds us back vs. being accountable for the lack of effort we've put into writing the chapters of our lives. Realizing you are in control is a powerful tool. Of course there are injustices in the world. No one said life was easy -- we all have a story to tell-- however easy or hard it's your life to make of it what you can.

So what do you do when you grow up and discover you wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what you wanted to do instead of just doing it? Well life is all about second chances. Every day you wake up is an additional opportunity you have to reinvent yourself. Your degree not working out for you? Consider a career that will fulfill you. THERE IS NO RULE about career changing.

Do you have a dream you don't want to give up on, but you are not yielding any results? Well dream bigger and dream harder. Stop being ORDINARY, everyone is trying to get their foot through the door, try jumping through the window and yelling I'M HERE NOW LET'S DO THIS!!.... You know not to take that last piece of advice literally right????

I know I know who am I to tell you how to walk your path? Well this is advice from the chronically discouraged! I've had a million you cant's, you shouldn't , and even more you're insane handed down to me. I refuse to stop dreaming, why cause a person without a dream isn't much a of person at all. However dreams will remain dreams, unless you put them into action.

The only person who can truly get in your way is YOU-- so with that said-- LET'S DO THIS!!!! Don't matter how you start just start. If you find yourself going the wrong way on a one street, the easiest solution is to turn around and take another street.

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