Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Journey is Never Over

Days 89 & 90 came and went and let me tell you it was a journey!!!!!!.....BUT the journey is far from over. Originally this journey that started as a goal to lose weight became a journey of total self discovery. I didn't lose all the weight I wanted to lose physically, but the spiritual clarity that came with this time I took to focus on Lynn was amazing. 

During this journey I had an opportunity to truly self evaluate my successes and  failures  in losing weight. I wasn't passionate about it and it showed in my results. I wanted it, but I did not pursue it. I had a goal , but I didn't do everything that came along with reaching the goal. I understand now that losing weight is more than just a regimen. You have to completely change your way of thinking.

BE PREPARED not everyone will want you to succeed. Sometimes you may even doubt yourself. These are a few things that may help you along your journey. 

1. You are what you eat LITERALLY..... It helped me when I decided to use the words I CHOOSE to eat this.Those words helped me make better choices.

2.Find people who have like interests. I found I was most motivated when I surrounded myself with friends who wanted to get healthy and work out. People on the same journey together can sometimes be the best motivation.

3. Reward yourself for the successes and resist the urges to punish yourself for the failures. You may not reach your goal the first or the second time. Getting healthy is a life change not a diet plan, or a boot camp.Quick results don't equal long lasting results. TRUST if there was a secret pill or diet that WORKED everyone who wanted to lose weight would be on it.

4. Prepare yourself for a spiritual change. When we choose to change ourselves physically there's a lot of internal change that comes along with that. Understand that everyone in your life won't be supportive of those changes. DON'T let that stop your progress.

I am still determined more than ever to get healthy. It started off with the desire to have  a certain dress. It has evolved into wanting to have a healthy and full life. I have learned on this journey I don't have to be extreme, I can enjoy food and I can even enjoy the gym! So with all that said let the journey continue!!!!!!


Friday, October 5, 2012


In this journey I have learned many things . I have learned its not the size it's the look! I also learned that society conditions our mind that if we are not a size 2 there is something wrong with us. I started out wanting to lose 30 pounds. I thought I would look much better at 130 vs 160. I did not do as well as I expected in the weight loss. There are serveral reasons for this one. The first one was  LAZINESS !!! I didn't get serious until mid journey. I was still eating things I shouldn't and not exercising consistently.

When I finally got serious time was not my friend. You really have to be committed to working out and motivated to accomplish your goals. What I realized is to not focus so much on the weight but focus on the "look"  So I decided the look I was going for is the "non- pot -belly" look. With that being said no sugars or STRESS ( now how will I manage that).

I will write on the 90th day and maybe add some sentiment , but this blog is about the DRESS!!! Yes the DRESS.  I go into the store and I just wanted to try on a Herve Lager dress. After all I wanted to see what a $1200 dress felt like on my body!!! Maybe it would give me some incentive to work out more. Well it did !!! BUT not for the reason you think!!!

The sales lady was extremely nice. I sympathize with her, her job must be hard OR maybe I should know better. I've tried on dresses before , but this dress!!! It was the perfect red dress and ONE DAY it would be MINE!!! Imagine my heart break when I discovered this dress didn't come in my size !! Apparently Herve Lager does not want women above a certain size wearing this dress!!! So here is my dilemma , do I lose weight to fit the dress ???? (and submit to the smaller is better stereotype) OR.... Do I simply say I refuse to buy a dress that does not support all shapes and sizes!!!
Well my decision was to--- LOSE WEIGHT and treat my self ONE DAY to this dress!I know what some may say, but this is how I came to my decision. I am overweight, a potruding tummy does not look good in any dress! So if I work out to become healthier, and more visually appealing ( for myself) then why not treat myself to this beautiful dress.
Now I am sure there are look alikes that come in my size. I am also sure this dress probably would not look AS good on me as it will if I just stop trying to find the short cuts and lose the weight ! So here is to hard work, exercise , getting healthy and my RED DRESS!!! 

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