SO as most of you know 3 days ago I started a 90 day challenge! With NONE OTHER than MYSELF!
Today I go on Facebook and I see a simple 90 day challenge!!!! How exciting is that? So just in case you are wondering why I have decided to blog this journey let me tell you. I have never really struggled with weight. For most of my life I was a size 2. In my late 20's things took a turn and I begin to gain weight. I will be honest at first it was exciting for the first time in my life I had CURVES !!!
Things got harder as the weight begin to distribute in some unflattering places. I would work out, but my microwave mentality ( the need for immediate results) would get me to quit every time. One day I was complaining to my husband (he is awesome by the way) and he simply looked at me and said, "I think your beautiful. Could you shed some pounds SURE... can't we all , but you telling me you want to lose weight is not going to magically shed the pounds. If you want to lose weight WORK OUT!!!" So here I am making excuses about all the reasons that I did not have time to take care of my body ( and why I didn't want to give up my trips to the Cheesecake Factory) and it hit me! HE'S RIGHT If I want to see change I have to change it !!!! No more complaining , calling in tears from the fitting room at the end of the dressing room cause nothing fits right. No more self deprecating statements. It was time to be responsible for the change I wanted to see in my life.
For weeks I told myself I would start tomorrow without making an honest effort to do anything. Finally I said ENOUGH. Start something ANYTHING. Every day find a way to be active so for the past 2 days I have done that and I am in CAN'T STOP , WON'T STOP mode. My goal is to take the 90 days to focus on myself physically , spiritually and mentally. This means being conscious about the things I make a CHOICE to eat. The negativity I ALLOW to come out my mouth and lastly the physical transformation of my body. So for 90 days I will work out, speak a victory every day ( not in a conceited way) and spread this positive energy to all my lovely F'bookers that want it! I am accountable for me! Not a trainer, not a work out buddy but me! I think at the end of these 90 days I will have accomplished so much more than losing my desired weight!!!! So the QUESTION IS
WHO WANT'S TO JOIN IN THE FUN.... are you on for the 90 day challenge?
Friday, July 13, 2012
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