Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Hair Journey

I've always loved my hair. I could do anything with it! I could dye it , perm it , cut it , curl it and it would still grow. I could wear a multitude of styles and look great in all of them. I loved my hair it was thick and healthy and was the perfect accessory. Well that all ended when I came to Colorado. When I first got here my hair was shoulder length, reddish blond. It was beautiful and soft without a relaxer. I could wear it curly or flat iron without pressing for a finished look.

It started with minor breakage and the inability to find a good black stylist that knew how to work with natural hair. I was told I needed to dye it black because the air was so dry and the blond would not work well with it SO off to the store I go. I dyed my hair back black! My hair has not been its natural color since high school! So while I'm adjusting to my darker hair I try some different styles , hoping to find something cute but manageable. Every style seemed like it would work at first , and then a few weeks later back to the dryness and breakage. I have spent hundreds on conditioners. I have walked in salons to walk out brokenhearted. I did finally find a few good stylists , but at this point the damage had been done! I was officially a short haired chick!!!

In Detroit , it was reasonable to go every two weeks, but here the styles do not seem to last. My hair has always been a source of confidence for me ....confidence that is diminishing daily. So upon the suggestion of a friend I have decided to start a blog of the THE JOURNEY!!! The journey back to healthy LONG beautiful hair. I have learned one thing conditioning is key. Some things will make it look great cosmetically but add no health value to it. I have posted a picture that shows a year of "styles" for me. The first picture is from memorial day weekend 2011 and the last is where I am now. I know it is not going to be overnight and having patience is harder than I thought. I also know that I am going to be faced with the wicked  middle stage of growth. Hopefully I can get people to jump on this blog and give advice and share their hair horror stories.

Below are 11 pictures . From long and healthy, to trim, to major breakage. Then there is going back to black to more breakage, to short , shorter , shortest and a overall H.A.M. !!! Lord help me on this journey! It will be something to celebrate when my hair can once again become my best accessory.


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