Monday, September 10, 2012

Days 52-63 I'M ALLERGIC TO WHAT!!!!

This journey has been one heck of a ride. I have gone through depression, caffeine withdrawals and weird food cravings. I am proud to say I have been more active than I had discussed in my last post. The craziest part of this journey is I have started developing allergies !!! I was already allergic to tomatoes, but over the past couple of months I have apparently developed an allergy to ALL things citrus and CHOCOLATE!!!!

It was almost as if the diet Gods were like if she can't stop eating the things she loves we will make her allergic to them. I am hoping this is temporary, but apparently when making major changes in your diet your body can develop and intolerance to certain foods. At first the limitations were incredibly depressing, however I have decided to have fun with the possibilities. Instead of looking at the pizza, spaghetti, lemonade, chocolate, etc.... I have decided to find creative recipes to make food fun again.

As a result of my new restrictions I have lost 5 pounds!!!! GO FIGURE!!! I am already starting to feel less bloated, and less tired throughout the day. Leads me to wonder if all that crap is good for you anyway. I will admit the chocolate has been the hardest adjustment AFTER ALL I love my midday thin mint fix.  Good news is with all the foods I am not supposed to have removed from my system I have been hive free for about a week now!!!

Well I am going to keep it short this time around !!! I think a suitable award when I reach my goal weight is a new wardrobe . I would have gone with a nice piece of chocolate cake, but we can't have me getting sick now can we!!! 


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