Tuesday, December 24, 2013


This year I decided I would not do New Year’s resolutions.  Honestly, by the third month I have pretty much failed on them all, then for the rest of the year I beat myself up for failing. 2013 was a mess of a year for me. While I am always blessed, every obstacle and roadblock seemed to come my way. Honestly there was more than one time where I just wanted to give up…..figuratively of course .

When a friend of mine blogged about picking a word for the year I thought it was brilliant. She encouraged others to do the same, so with that I have chosen my word. BELIEVE is my word for 2014.

The reality is I have been a very good actress. While others have believed I was confident, outgoing and happy. I have been quite the opposite. There were so many things I didn’t believe. I didn’t believe I was beautiful; therefore I didn’t take care of my appearance or shop for myself, or do anything that was in line with a person who believed they were important. 2014 I will believe in the beauty of me inside and out. 

I didn’t believe I was successful, due to the fact I wasn’t quite where I wanted to be at this time in my life. I am shedding that belief as well. I am as successful as I believe I am.  There is so much power in believing. When you believe things happen. It’s no surprise that because I focused so much on the negative that is exactly what was manifested in my life.

Resolutions are hard, and while I hope to set goals throughout the year, my one word will remain constant….BELIEVE. This year I choose to believe that all things are possible and 2014 is going to have some great things waiting for me.

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