During this journey I had an opportunity to truly self evaluate my successes and failures in losing weight. I wasn't passionate about it and it showed in my results. I wanted it, but I did not pursue it. I had a goal , but I didn't do everything that came along with reaching the goal. I understand now that losing weight is more than just a regimen. You have to completely change your way of thinking.
BE PREPARED not everyone will want you to succeed. Sometimes you may even doubt yourself. These are a few things that may help you along your journey.
1. You are what you eat LITERALLY..... It helped me when I decided to use the words I CHOOSE to eat this.Those words helped me make better choices.
2.Find people who have like interests. I found I was most motivated when I surrounded myself with friends who wanted to get healthy and work out. People on the same journey together can sometimes be the best motivation.
3. Reward yourself for the successes and resist the urges to punish yourself for the failures. You may not reach your goal the first or the second time. Getting healthy is a life change not a diet plan, or a boot camp.Quick results don't equal long lasting results. TRUST if there was a secret pill or diet that WORKED everyone who wanted to lose weight would be on it.
4. Prepare yourself for a spiritual change. When we choose to change ourselves physically there's a lot of internal change that comes along with that. Understand that everyone in your life won't be supportive of those changes. DON'T let that stop your progress.
I am still determined more than ever to get healthy. It started off with the desire to have a certain dress. It has evolved into wanting to have a healthy and full life. I have learned on this journey I don't have to be extreme, I can enjoy food and I can even enjoy the gym! So with all that said let the journey continue!!!!!!